Hugging is accepted in the majority of cultures across the world. Hugging is initiating very brief contact physically with someone, perhaps squeezing a little, and then letting go. It’s actually quite a short-lived embrace oftentimes when meeting or greeting or at goodbyes. Hugging is usually something between a group or just two people.
You may think the two of these are the same. One of the most common non-verbal ways of communicating our love is through touch-namely cuddling and hugging. There are different types of body language and other non-verbal communication signals we all give and receive to varying degrees. We need to share our joy and happiness as well as our pain and sorrow. Our natural bent is to seek relationships that will offer us affection and attention throughout our lives. We long for deep and meaningful relationships with others.
We are here to guide you through the whole cuddling process from why we do it to how cuddle. So, you want to learn how to cuddle, but feel like you don’t know where to start. Maybe you met someone new and they are very warm and great at cuddling.